A ZeroRPC ML Model Deployment

Using a ZeroRPC service to deploy an ML model

Brian Schmidt
11 min readMay 5, 2020

This blog post builds on the ideas started in three previous blog posts.

In this blog post I’ll show how to deploy the same ML model that we deployed as a batch job in this blog post, as a task queue in this blog post, inside an AWS Lambda in this blog post, as a Kafka streaming application in this blog post, a gRPC service in this blog post, as a MapReduce job in this blog post, and as a Websocket service in this blog post.

The code in this blog post can be found in this github repo.



There are many different ways for two software processes to communicate with each other. When deploying a machine learning model, it’s often simpler to isolate the model code inside of its own process. Any code that needs to use the model to make predictions then needs to communicate with the process that is running the model code to make predictions. This approach is easier than embedding the model code in the process that needs the predictions because it saves us the trouble of recreating the model’s algorithm in the programming language of the process that needs the predictions. RPC calls are also used widely to connect code that is executing in different processes. In the last few years, the rise in popularity of microservice architectures has also caused the rise in popularity of RPC for integrating systems.

RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call. A remote procedure is just a function call that is executed in a different process from the process that initiated the call. The input parameters for the call come from the calling process and the result of the call is returned to the calling process. The function call looks as if it was executed locally. RPC therefore executes as a request-response protocol. The process that initiates the call is called the client and the process that executes the call is the server. RPC is useful when you want to call a function that is not implemented in the local process and you don’t want to worry about the complexities of inter-process communication. RPC is similar to but a lot simpler than REST and HTTP-based inter-process communication.

An RPC call follows a series of steps to complete the call. First, the client code will call a piece of code called the “stub” in the client process. The stub behaves like a normal function but actually calls the remote procedure in the server. The stub then takes the parameters provided by the client code and serializes them so that they can be transported over the communication channel. The stub uses the communication channel to communicate with the remote process, sending the necessary information to execute the procedure. The server stub receives the information and deserializes the parameters, then executes the procedure. The series of steps are then executed in reverse order to return the results of the procedure to the client code.

In previous blog posts we showed how to do RPC with a RESTful service and a gRPC service. In this blog post we’ll continue exploring the options available to us for interprocess communication with a ZeroRPC service that can host machine learning models.


ZeroRPC is a simple RPC framework that works in many different languages. ZeroRPC uses MessagePack for parameter serialization and deserialization, and it uses ZeroMQ for transporting data between processes. ZeroRPC supports advanced features such as streamed responses, heartbeats, and timeouts. The framework also supports introspection of the service and exceptions.

The ZeroRPC framework uses the ZeroMQ messaging framework to transport messages between processes. ZeroMQ is a high-performance low-level messaging framework that can be used in many different types of communication patterns. The ZeroRPC framework uses the ZeroMQ framework in a request-response pattern to do RPC calls. ZeroMQ also supports the publish-subscribe pattern along with other patterns. ZeroMQ is designed to support highly distributed and concurrent applications. ZeroMQ works in many different programming languages and in many operating systems.

The ZeroRPC framework uses the MessagePack format for serialization. This format is similar to JSON but is binary, which makes it more space efficient and allows for faster serialization and deserialization. The MessagePack format is similar to the Protocol Buffer format that is used by gRPC, but it allows us to serialize arbitrary data structures. This is different from Protocol Buffers which require a schema for the data to be serialized. MessagePack is also dynamically typed which makes developing code with it faster and simpler, but lacks the documentation and code generation features of Protocol Buffers.

Package Structure

The service codebase is structured like this:

- model_zerorpc_service (python package for the zerorpc service)
- __init__.py
- config.py
- ml_model_zerorpc_endpoint.py
- ml_model_manager.py
- service.py
- scripts (scripts for testing the service)
- tests (unit tests)
- Dockerfile (used to build a docker image of the service)
- Makefle
- requirements.txt (dependencies of the service)
- setup.py
- test_requirements.txt

This structure can be seen in the github repository.

Installing the Model

Our aim for this blog post is to show how to build a ZeroRPC service that is able to host any ML model that works with the MLModel base class. To show how this can be done, we’ll use the same model that we’ve deployed in previous blog posts. To install the model into the Python environment, execute this command:

pip install git+https://github.com/schmidtbri/ml-model-abc-improvements

This command installs the model code and parameters from the model’s git repository. To understand how the model code works, check out this blog post. Once the model is installed, we can test it out by executing this Python code in an interactive session:

>>> from iris_model.iris_predict import IrisModel
>>> model = IrisModel()
>>> model.predict({“sepal_length”:1.1, “sepal_width”: 1.2, “petal_width”: 1.3, “petal_length”: 1.4})
{‘species’: ‘setosa’}

The code above imports the class that implements the MLModel interface, instantiates it, and sends the model object a prediction request. The model successfully responds with a prediction for the flower species.

In order for the ZeroRPC service to find the model that we want to deploy, we’ll create a configuration module that points to the model’s package and module:

class Config(dict):
models = [{
“module_name”: “iris_model.iris_predict”,
“class_name”: “IrisModel”

The code above can be found here.

This configuration gives us the flexibility to add and remove models from the service dynamically. A service can host any number of models if they are installed in the environment and added to the configuration. The module_name and class_name fields in the configuration point to a class that implements the MLModel interface, which allows the service to make predictions using the model.

As in previous blog posts, we’ll use a singleton object to manage the ML model objects that will be used to make predictions. The class that the singleton object is instantiated from is called ModelManager. The class is responsible for instantiating MLModel objects, managing the instances, returning information about the MLModel objects, and returning references to the objects when needed. The code for the ModelManager class can be found here. A complete explanation of the ModelManager class can be found in this blog post.

ZeroRPC Endpoint

In order to host a machine learning model, we have to handle incoming prediction requests, produce responses for them, and integrate with the ZeroRPC framework. The class described in this section will handle these aspects of the service.

First, we’ll declare the class:

class MLModelZeroRPCCEndpoint(object):

The code above can be found here.

Next, we’ll add the code that will initialize the object when the class is instantiated:

def __init__(self, model_qualified_name):
model_manager = ModelManager()
model_instance = model_manager.get_model(model_qualified_name)

if model_instance is None:
raise ValueError(“‘{}’ not found in ModelManager
self._model = model_manager.get_model(model_qualified_name)
self.__doc__ = “Predict with the

The code above can be found here.

The __init__ method has one argument called “model_qualified_name” which tells the endpoint class which model it will be hosting. The __init__ method first gets a reference to the ModelManager singleton instance that is initialized when the service starts up. Then we get a reference to the specific model that is being hosted by this instance of the MLModelZeroRPCCEndpoint class. Next, we check if the model reference is equal to None which happens when the ModelManager can’t find a model with the name requested, if there is no model by the name we raise an exception. If the model exists, we save a reference to it in the self variable which will make it easier to access in the future. Lastly, we modify the docstring property of the self variable which will cause the service to return it when doing introspection, we’ll see how this works later.

Now that we have an instance of the endpoint, we need to handle incoming prediction requests:

def __call__(self, data):
prediction = self._model.predict(data=data)
return prediction

The code above can be found here.

The code in the method is very simple, it receives a parameter called “data” from the client, sends it to the model’s predict method, and returns the prediction object that is returned by the model. Behind the scenes, the ZeroRPC framework is handling serialization and deserialization, the connection between the client and the server, and any exceptions raised by the server.

This class uses a special feature of Python which is the callable magic method. The __call__ method is a special method that turns any instance of the MLModelZeroRPCCEndpoint class into a callable, which allows instances of the class to be used as functions or methods. This will be useful later when we need to initialize a dynamic number of endpoints in the gRPC service.

ZeroRPC Service

Now that we have a model and a way to host the model within an endpoint, we can go ahead and write the code that will create the service. Before we can do that, we have to load the configuration:

configuration = getattr(config, os.environ[“APP_SETTINGS”])

The code above can be found here.

The configuration is loaded dynamically by importing a class from the config.py module. The name of the class is received through an environment variable called APP_SETTINGS.

A ZeroRPC service is built as a class that provides methods that are exposed to the outside world as RPC calls. The class that will become the service is defined like this:

class ModelZeroRPCService(object):

The code above can be found here.

When the model service is started the __init__ method will be executed:

def __init__(self):
self.model_manager = ModelManager()
for model in self.model_manager.get_models():
endpoint = MLModelZeroRPCCEndpoint(model_qualified_name=
operation_name = “{}_predict”.format(model[“qualified_name”])
setattr(self, operation_name, endpoint)

The code above can be found here.

The service starts by instantiating the ModelManager singleton, and loading the models from the configuration. Next the service instantiates one MLModelZeroRPCCEndpoint class for each model in the ModelManager and attaches it to the “self” parameter with a dynamically created operation name. The service method is mapped to the model’s “predict” method by the endpoint object that wraps it. The reason for this is so that we are able to host any number of MLModel objects in the service, this code allows us to attach them to the service object dynamically. At the end of the initialization method, we have one service method for each model that is hosted by the service.

The service is now able to receive prediction requests for the models and return the predictions to the clients, but we can add some functionality by exposing metadata about the models being hosted, the get_models method does this:

def get_models(self):
models = self.model_manager.get_models()
return models

The code above can be found here.

The get_models procedure returns a list of models available for use, but does not return all of the metadata available for a model. To provide all of the metadata for a model, we’ll add the get_model_metadata method:

def get_model_metadata(self, qualified_name):
model_metadata = self.model_manager.get_model_metadata(

if model_metadata is not None:
return model_metadata
raise ValueError(“Metadata not found for this model.”)

The code above can be found here.

Using the Service

To show now to use the service, we wrote a few scripts in the scripts folder of the project. To execute the scripts we first have to start up the service with these commands:

export PYTHONPATH=./
export APP_SETTINGS=ProdConfig
python model_zerorpc_service/service.py

The ZeroRPC Python package has a utility that allows for communication with a ZeroRPC service from the command line. Now that we have a ZeroRPC service running, we can execute this command to get a list of procedures available on the service:

zerorpc tcp://
connecting to “tcp://”
get_model_metadata Return metadata about a model hosted by the
get_models Return list of models hosted in this service.
iris_model_predict Predict with the Iris Model.

The ZeroRPC tool will return a description of the methods available in the service. The iris_model_predict procedure’s documentation string was generated when we instantiated the model’s endpoint.

Next, we’ll call a procedure on the service with Python code. Getting a list the models available by calling the “get_models” procedure is very simple:

client = zerorpc.Client()
result = client.get_models()
print(“Result: {}”.format(result))

The code above can be found here.

Executing the code able should print out a list of models that are being hosted by the service:

Result: [{‘display_name’: ‘Iris Model’, ‘qualified_name’: ‘iris_model’, ‘description’: ‘A machine learning model for predicting the species of a flower based on its measurements.’, ‘major_version’: 0, ‘minor_version’: 1}]

Making a prediction with the service is just as easy:

client = zerorpc.Client()
result = client.iris_model_predict(
{“sepal_length”: 1.1,
“sepal_width”: 1.2,
“petal_length”: 1.4,
“petal_width”: 1.5})
print(“Result: {}”.format(result))

The code above can be found here.

To see how exceptions are handled by the ZeroRPC service, we’ll change the code of the client to purposefully cause an exception in the MLModel class:

client = zerorpc.Client()
result = client.iris_model_predict(
{“sepal_length”: 1.1,
“sepal_width”: 1.2,
“petal_length”: 1.4,
“petal_width”: “abc”})
print(“Result: {}”.format(result))

When we execute the client code, we get this exception being thrown:

python scripts/predict_with_model.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “scripts/predict_with_model.py”, line 15, in <module>

File /Users/brian/Code/zerorpc-ml-model-deployment/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/iris_model/iris_predict.py”, line 51, in predict
raise MLModelSchemaValidationException(“Failed to validate input data: {}”.format(str(e)))
ml_model_abc.MLModelSchemaValidationException: Failed to validate input data: Key ‘petal_width’ error: ‘abc’ should be instance of ‘float’


In this blog post we’ve shown how it is possible to deploy a machine learning model using the ZeroRPC framework. The service is able to host any number of models that implement the MLModel interface. The service codebase is simpler than a RESTful service, and is more lightweight than the JSON serialization format that is usually used by REST web services. RPC services are also simpler to understand than REST services, since they mimic a normal function call on the client side.

The ZeroRPC service has some benefits, but also has some drawbacks when compared to gRPC. The ZeroRPC framework does not have any way to provide schema information for the data structures that make up the request and responses of the service. In comparison, gRPC Protocol Buffers require the developer of the service to provide a full data contract for the service, and REST services have JSON Schema and the OpenAPI specification that can provide this information about the service. By building the get_model_metadata endpoint, we’ve been able to provide this information for each model hosted in the service, but not for the whole service.

The ZeroRPC framework provides more functionality for RPC calls by allowing the server to stream responses back to the client. This allows the server to send back prediction responses as they become available at the server and provides a simple interface. In the future, it would be interesting to leverage this feature of ZeroRPC to stream prediction responses to the client.

