A Simple ML Model Base Class

A software design pattern for machine learning code

Brian Schmidt
10 min readApr 3, 2019

When creating software it is often useful to write abstract classes to help define different interfaces that classes can implement and inherit from. By creating a base class, a standard can be defined that simplifies the design of the whole system and clarifies every decision moving forward.

The integration of ML models with other software components is often complicated and can benefit greatly from using an Object Oriented approach. Recently, I’ve been seeing this problem solved in many different ways, so I decided to try to implement my own solution.

In this post I will describe a simple implementation of a base class for Machine Learning Models. This post will focus on making predictions with ML models, and integrating ML models with other software components. Training code will not be shown to keep the code simple. The code in this post will be written in Python, if you aren’t familiar with abstract base classes in Python, here is a good place to learn.

Scikit-learn’s Approach to Base Classes

The most well known ML software package in python is scikit-learn, and it provides a set of abstract base classes in the base.py module. The scikit-learn API is a great place to learn about machine learning software engineering in general, but in this case we want to focus on it’s approach to base classes for making predictions with ML models.

Scikit-learn defines an abstract base class called Estimator which is meant to be the base class for any class that is able to learn from a data set, a class that derives from Estimator must implement a “fit” method. Scikit-learn also defines a Predictor base class that is meant to be the base class for any class that is able to infer from learned parameters when presented with new data, a class that derives from Predictor must implement a “predict” method. These two bases classes are some of the most commonly used abstractions in the Scikit-learn package. By defining these base classes, the Scikit-learn project provides a strong base for coding ML algorithms.

These two interfaces are broad enough to take us far, but what about serialization and deserialization? ML models need to be loaded from storage before they can be used. On this front scikit-learn is mostly silent, and no standard interface for hiding the details of model serialization and deserialization is provided. Also, what if we need to publish schema information about the input and output data that a model needs for scoring? Scikit-learn does not provide a way to do this either, since it uses numpy arrays for input and output.

Because of these factors, using Scikit-learn’s API is not necessarily the best way to integrate ML models with other software components. Integrating a Scikit-learn model with other software components by using the Scikit-learn API exposes internal details about how the model is serialized and how information is passed into the model. For example, if a Data Scientist hands over a scikit-learn model in a pickled file along with some code, a software engineer would have to be familiar with how to deserialize the model object and how to structure a Numpy array in such a way that it will be accepted by the model’s predict() method. The best way to solve this problem is to hide these implementation details behind an interface.

In summary, to simplify the use of ML models within production systems, it would be useful to solve a couple of issues:

  • How to consistently and transparently send data to the model
  • How to load serialized model assets when instantiating a model
  • How to publish input and output data schema information

Some Solutions

Over the last few years, a few big tech companies have been developing proprietary in-house machine learning infrastructure and software. Some of these companies sell access to their ML platform and others have published details about their approach to ML infrastructure. Also, there have been a few open source projects that seek to simplify the deployment of ML models to production systems. In this section I will describe some solutions that have emerged recently for the problems described above.

AWS Sagemaker

AWS Sagemaker is a platform for training and deploying ML models within the AWS ecosystem. The platform has several ready-made ML algorithms that can be leveraged without writing a lot of code. However, a way to deploy custom ML code to the platform is provided. To deploy a prediction endpoint on top of the Sagemaker service, a Python Flask application with a “/ping” and “/invocations” endpoints must be created and deployed within a Docker container.

In the Sagemaker example published here, we can see the recommended way to run the model prediction code within the Flask application. In the example, the scikit-learn model object is deserialized and saved as a class property, and the model is then accessed by the “predict” method. This implementation does not provide a way to publish schema metadata about the model and does not enforce any specific implementation on the model code. The AWS Sagemaker library does not provide a base class to help write the model code.


Facebook published a blog post about their ML systems here. The FBLearner Flow system is made up of workflows and operators. A workflow is a single unit of work with a specific set of inputs and outputs, a workflow is made up of operators which do simple operations on data. The blog post shows how to train a Decision Tree model on the iris data set. The blog post does not provide many implementation details about their internal Python packages. An interesting part of the approach taken is the fact that schema metadata is attached to every workflow created, ensuring type safety at runtime. There are not details about loading and storing model assets. Facebook’s FBFlow Python package does not use base classes that developers can inherit from to write code, but uses function annotations to attach metadata to ML model code.


Uber published a blog post about their approach to custom ML models here. Uber’s PyML package is used to deploy ML models that are not natively supported by Uber’s Michelangelo ML platform, which is described here. The PyML package does not specify how to write model training code, but does provide a base class for writing ML model prediction code. The base class is called DataFrameModel. The interface is very simple, it only has two methods: the __init__() method, and the predict() method. The model assets are required to be deserialized in the class constructor and all prediction code is in the predict method of the class.

The DataFrameModel interface requires the use of Pandas dataframes or tensors when giving data to the model for prediction. This is a design decision can backfire because there is no way to tell the user of the model how to structure the input data to the model. However, the use of the __init__() method for loading model assets helps to hide the complexity of the model from the user. Also, by using base classes that must be inherited from in order to deploy code to the production systems, certain requirements can be more easily checked.

Seldon Core

Seldon Core is an open source project for hosting ML models. It supports custom Python models, as described here. The model code is required to be in a Python class with an __init__() method and a predict() method, it follows Uber’s design closely but does not use an abstract base class to enforce the interface. Another difference is that Seldon allows the model class to return results in several different ways, and not just in Pandas dataframes. Seldon also allows the model class to return column name metadata for the model inputs, but no type metadata.

A Simple ML Model Base Class

NOTE: All of the code shown in this section can be found in this Github repository.

In this section I will present a simple abstract base class that combines the strengths of the approaches shown above into one abstract base class for ML models. I will also explain the reasoning behind the design.

Here is the code for the abstract base class:

class MLModel(ABC):
“”” An abstract base class for ML model prediction code “””
def input_schema(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def output_schema(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def predict(self, data):

The code looks very similar to Uber’s and Seldon Core’s approach. The model file deserialization code is still expected to be implemented in the __init__() method, and the prediction code is still expected to be in the predict() method. Any model that needs to be used by other software packages is expected to derive from the MLModel abstract base class and implement these two methods.

However, there are some differences. The input to the predict method is not expected to be of any particular type, it can be any Python type as long as the input data is packaged into a single input parameter called “data”. This is different from Seldon Core’s and Uber’s approach which required Numpy arrays and Pandas arrays.

Another difference is that the base class shown above requires the model creator to attach schema metadata to their implementation. The base class has two extra properties that are not present in the Seldon Core and Uber implementations: the “input_schema” and “output_schema” properties are meant to publish the schema of the data that the model will accept in the predict method and the shema of the model that the model will output from the predict method. To do this, I will use the python schema package, but there are many options for writing and enforcing schema, for example the marshmallow-schema and schematics python packages.

We also need to define a way for a model creator to raise exceptions. For this we can write a simple custom Exception:

class MLModelException(Exception):
“”” Exception type for use within MLModel derived classes “””
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
Exception.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

Using the Base Class

This blog post deals purely with the ML code that will be used for predicting in production and not with the model training code. However, we still need to have a model to work with. Here’s a simple scikit-learn model training script:

iris = datasets.load_iris()svm_model = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100.0)
svm_model.fit(iris.data[:-1], iris.target[:-1])
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
file = open(os.path.join(dir_path, “model_files”, “svc_model.pickle”), ‘wb’)
pickle.dump(svm_model, file)

Now that we have a trained model, we can write the class that will inherit from MLModel and make predictions:

class IrisSVCModel(MLModel):
“”” A demonstration of how to use “””
input_schema = Schema({‘sepal_length’: float,
‘sepal_width’: float,
‘petal_length’: float,
‘petal_width’: float})
# the output of the model will be one of three strings
output_schema = Schema({‘species’: Or(“setosa”,
def __init__(self):
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
file = open(os.path.join(dir_path, “model_files”, “svc_model.pickle”), ‘rb’)
self._svm_model = pickle.load(file)
def predict(self, data):
# calling the super method to validate against the
# input_schema
# converting the incoming dictionary into a numpy array
# that can be accepted by the scikit-learn model
X = array([data[“sepal_length”],
data[“petal_width”]]).reshape(1, -1)
# making the prediction
y_hat = int(self._svm_model.predict(X)[0])
# converting the prediction into a string that will match
# the output schema of the model, this list will map the
# output of the scikit-learn model to the string expected by
# the output schema
targets = [‘setosa’, ‘versicolor’, ‘virginica’]
species = targets[y_hat]
return {“species”: species}

One useful thing about using the schema package for building the input and output schemas of the model is that it supports exporting the schema in the JSON schema format:

>>> model = IrisSVCModel()>>> print(json.dumps(model.input_schema.json_schema("https://example.com   /my-schema.json")))

{"type": "object", "properties": {"sepal_length": {"type": "number"}, "sepal_width": {"type": "number"},


In this post I showed a few different approaches to deploying ML model code to production systems. I also showed an implementation of a Python base class that brings together the best features of the different approaches discussed. In conclusion I will discuss some of the benefits of the approach I sketched out above.

The MLModel base class has very few dependencies. it does not require the model creator to use Pandas, numpy, or any other Python package to transfer data to the model. This also means that it does not force the user of the model to know any internal implementation details about the model. On the other hand, Uber’s solution requires that the user of the model know how to work with Pandas dataframes. However, if the model creator still wishes to accept numpy arrays or Pandas dataframes to their model, the MLModel base class shown above still allows this.

By using python dictionaries for model input and output, the model is easier to use. There is no need to understand how to use numpy arrays or Pandas dataframes, remember the order of the columns, or know how the output columns areencoded in order to use the model.

By stating the input and output schemas of a model programmatically, it is possible to compare different model’s schemas through automated tools. This can be useful when tracking model changes across many different versions of a model. Facebook’s approach allows schema metadata to be attached to ML models, but no other approach discussed above does this.

By hiding the deserialization code behind the __init__() method, the deserialization technique or the storage location of model files can be changed without affecting the code that uses the model. In the same way, I can replace the code in the predict() method without affecting the user of the model, as long as the input and output schemas remain the same. This is the benefit of using Object Oriented Programming to hide implementation details from users of your code.

There are some other improvements that can be added to the MLModel base class shown in this post, but these will be shown in a later blog post.

EDIT: Since I published this post, I’ve written other blog posts that further developed the ideas from this post. If you liked this post, here are links to two other posts that you might like.

